Killer Klowns, when playable by the player, can be used to jump across far spaces to skip certain puzzles or objective. Scooby-Doo And the Spooky Swamp: 2 days, 14 hours ago: Scooby-Doo First. You can skip entire areas and scenes using this glitch.

3DS Action Adventure Animal Crossing Animal Crossing City Folk Batman Capcom Cave Story Donkey Kong Returns Downloads DS DSiware E3 E3 2011 E3 Announcements Epic Mickey Freeware Game Game Boy Advance Gamer Games GameStop Goldeneye Goldeneye Wii Independent video game development Just Dance 2 Kirby Kirby's Epic Yarn LEGO Mario Mario Kart Mario Kart Wii metroid other m Microsoft Minecraft Monster Hunter Monster Hunter Tri Multiplayer online game N64 News New video games nintendo Nintendo 3DS Nintendo DS Nintendo GameCube Nintendo Wi-Fi Nintendo Wii PC Gaming PlayStation 3 playstation network Pokemon Pokémon Black and White Rabbids Rayman Raving Rabbids review Scooby-Doo! and the Spooky Swamp sega Sonic Colors Super Smash Bros. Starts: Starts, maybe even plays well, but crashes or major graphical/audio glitches.